Abel Tasman ... a must

Veröffentlicht auf von Sabbat-Heidi

Beautiful New Zealand  ...

the southern island has a variety of impressions for you. In my next articles you'll find beautiful nature in very different kinds.


For instance Abel Tasman:

The Abel Tasman Coastal Treck is one of the great walks in NZ of the Department of Conservation.
So it's the right place to go for a walk. We did 24 km on our first day to Bark Bay. There we were picked up for a kayak-trip on the second day. We liked that combination - especially our feet  












Torrent bay at the coastline of abel tasman NP 














another of the great views - low tide is on it's way

the suspension bridge at the mouth of the falls river










blue water,
golden beaches,

lush, dense rainforest 







  And the kayaking brings a different view from the seaside

rocky coastline
- home to seals
may be we are lucky?

split apple rock

                                          our guide - a real kiwi. Most of his stories are unbelievable.
                                               Can you imagine the vikings came to NZ long before the Maori did?

Kayaking fashion


this one played with our paddle

...and these little ones are just cute 

Veröffentlicht in Neuseeland

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